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2024 年 3 月熱門 Meme 幣:Bonk、BEFE、Shiba Inu、Dogecoin 和



隨著2024 年第一季末的臨近,幾種模因幣在受歡迎程度、社區參與度和潛在增長方面表現突出:Bonk (BONK)、BEFE、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和Dogwifhat (無線IF)。


1. Bonk(BONK):頑皮又實用的小狗

Bonk 於 2022 年底推出,很快就成為 Solana 生態系統中的重要參與者。

BONK 擁有實用性,作為基於 Solana 的 NFT 市場 Solanart 的原生代幣。

這種整合除了純粹的投機之外還增加了一層潛在價值,因為用戶需要 BONK 代幣來實現市場內的各種功能,例如支付交易費用和參與治理決策。

迄今為止,Bonk 在 3 月的漲幅高達 150%,成為迷因幣領域漲幅最大的股票之一。


  • 實用程式和生態系統整合:BONK 在不斷成長的 Solscan NFT 市場中的作用提供了潛在的長期價值主張。

  • Solana 生態系統的成長:隨著 Solana 生態系統的不斷發展,BONK 可能會從該領域採用率的提高中受益。


  • 對 Solana 的依賴:Bonk 的成功與 Solana 區塊鏈的表現有著內在的連結。

    Solana 面臨的任何挑戰都可能對 BONK 的價格產生負面影響。

  • 監管不確定性:圍繞模因幣的監管環境仍不清楚,這給長期採用帶來了潛在的挑戰。

2. BEFE:聚光燈下的新人

BEFE 是 memecoin 領域的一個相對較新的成員,於 2023 年底出現,乘著互聯網 meme 文化的浪潮。

儘管歷史短暫,BEFE 卻擁有強大的基礎和獨特的銷售主張。

自 3 月初以來,BEFE 的價值已飆升 23%,預示著未來一個月將表現強勁。

BEFE 在其短暫的生命週期中也引起了加密貨幣論壇的廣泛關注,這主要是由於:


  • 市場情緒:更廣泛的加密貨幣市場情緒對 memecoin 價格起著至關重要的作用。

    BEFE 吸引了早期投資者的興趣和社區的熱情,導致其短暫的歷史中價格迅速飆升。

  • 社群炒作:BEFE 在網路上建立了強大的影響力,特別是在 Twitter 等平臺上,吸引了充滿活力和專注的社群積極推廣該代幣。


  • 簡短的歷史:BEFE 的簡短歷史使得很難準確地預測其未來的軌跡。

  • Susceptibility to Market Volatility: As with all memecoins, BEFE is fairly susceptible to market fluctuations and potential manipulation.

3. Shiba Inu (SHIB): The Veteran with Staying Power

Shiba Inu (SHIB), launched in 2020, is the second largest memecoin by market capitalization. Shiba Inu initially set out to dethrone Dogecoin, which earned it the title of “Doge Killer”a, and later rode the wave of memecoin popularity in 2021. SHIB has demonstrated staying power, boasting a dedicated community and a growing ecosystem. The month of march has seen SHIB surge over 220%, topping its one-year high and reaching $0.000045.


  • Established Brand: SHIB enjoys a strong brand recognition and a large, loyal community of supporters.

  • Diverse Ecosystem: SHIB’s growing ecosystem with offerings like ShibaSwap and LEASH offers additional functionalities and potential value propositions.


  • Limited Utility: Despite its growing ecosystem, SHIB’s primary use case remains speculative, similar to other memecoins.

  • Competition: The memecoin market is highly competitive, and SHIB faces competition from newer entrants like BONK and BEFE.

4. Dogecoin (DOGE): The OG Memecoin

Dogecoin (DOGE), the “granddaddy” of memecoins, launched in 2013 as a lighthearted parody of Bitcoin. Despite its humorous origins, DOGE has carved a niche for itself in the cryptocurrency landscape, boasting a strong community and attracting prominent figures like Elon Musk as supporters.


  • First-Mover Advantage: DOGE enjoys the benefit of being the first widely recognized memecoin, establishing a strong brand and loyal community.

  • Celebrity Endorsements: Elon Musk’s occasional tweets about DOGE have generated significant media attention and contributed to its price fluctuations.


  • Limited Utility: Similar to other memecoins, DOGE primarily holds speculative value and lacks significant real-world use cases.

  • Susceptibility to Market Manipulation: DOGE’s price is highly susceptible to market sentiment and potential manipulation due to its large and active community.

5. Dogwifhat (WIF): A Dog With A Hat

Launched in late 2023, Dogwifhat (WIF) is another Solana based memecoin that has impressed crypto analysts with its performance in March 2024. WIF has gained nearly 75% so far this month, reaching as high as $0.20 along the way.


  • Solana Ecosystem Growth: As the Solana ecosystem continues to gain traction, WIF could benefit from increased adoption within the space.

  • Deflationary Model: The deflationary tokenomics could incentivize long-term holding, potentially impacting the price positively.


  • Newcomer Challenges: As a recent entrant, WIF faces challenges in establishing brand recognition and building a strong community compared to more established memecoins.

  • Unproven Utility: The long-term viability and success of the Memefluence integration remain to be seen.

2024 年 3 月的頂級迷因幣呈現多樣化的格局,每種都有其獨特的優勢、劣勢和潛在發展軌跡。



