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Next Track: Market Outlook and Investment Strategy

What's the next track? Is it privacy, chain games, oracles, or public chains, L2? No one can explain clearly, but there is a rule that everyone can refer to, that is, which track has a strong consensus and is suitable for hype, which track will explode next.How will the market go next?The main thing depends on the face of Bitcoin. From the overall market analysis, whether it is fundamental or technical, there is currently no sign of direction.The market still needs some time to consolidate.Bitcoin’s consolidation has given altcoins an opportunity to dance wildly.Therefore, we have seen many tracks explode one after another, each one almost flying into the sky, and market sentiment is almost ignited to the extreme.Retail investors got on the bus crazily, fearing that they would miss the sharp rise in the market. In front of the shining gold coins, human nature is always so naked.However, my friends from Thirteen Circles, I have always asked everyone to control their positions at 60%.Using 60% of the position in exchange for relatively low investment risk, I think it is a good deal.Put away human greed, release rationality, and be a minority in the market. We will definitely live longer than them.


