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BTC Price Drops, Market Intensity Decreases

5 The reduction from US$1,000 to US$60,000 was 180,000 pieces yesterday and less than 70,000 pieces today. The intensity of the game is gradually decreasing. But now the accumulation of#BTCbetween US$60,000 and US$62,000 is still limited, indicating that there are still many investors who are not on board, and may feel that BTC above US$60,00 is too expensive.Judging from the detailed data of the exchange, there is nothing new. There was a large amount of selling pressure before the US stock market opened. As the US stock market opened, this part of the selling pressure was gradually consumed. However, although it has not been cleared yet, selling pressure, but the difference is not much. The focus still depends on the trend after three o'clock in the morning. After all, today is the last trading day of the week, and the closing price on Friday may affect the trend of the two days over the weekend. You must pay attention to this weekend, especially those with high leverage. There are no market makers on the weekend, the depth is not enough, and the liquidity is insufficient.


