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對(duì)於剛剛關(guān)注我的新會(huì)員:這是如何自己找到 5X、10X、50X 新硬幣的方法

一些最瘋狂的 5 倍、10 倍、50 倍甚至更多的回報(bào)是由那些在鏈上早期發(fā)現(xiàn)新幣並在它們爆炸式增長(zhǎng)時(shí)持有它們的人實(shí)現(xiàn)的。



對(duì)於剛剛關(guān)注我的新會(huì)員:這是如何自己找到 5X、10X、50X 新硬幣的方法




對(duì)於新的高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)/高回報(bào)硬幣,您將尋求多個(gè) X 的收益。

如果一枚代幣的市值為 50 萬美元,那麼它的市值可以翻 20 倍,但市值仍只有 1,000 萬美元。

然而,如果一枚代幣的市值已經(jīng)達(dá)到 200 萬美元,那麼達(dá)到同樣的 1,000 萬美元市值目標(biāo)將是 5 倍。

















開始掃描新硬幣並檢查我剛剛介紹的特徵的最簡(jiǎn)單方法是透過 DexScreener。

非常新的代幣並不總是會(huì)在 CoinGecko 或 CoinMarketCap 上列出,但 DexScreener 會(huì)在代幣添加到 dex 後立即列出它們。

它還顯示價(jià)格、市值、交易量、流動(dòng)性、FDV 和其他指標(biāo),以便您輕鬆決定要深入了解哪些代幣。


There are a few reasons a coin may catch your attention: large number of trades being taken, large price increases, significant liquidity being added early on, or even just the name of the coin.

Regardless, once you see a coin you want to learn more about you can click on it to open the chart and see more details. Here’s what to check next:

-Name/Contract Address:

You can search the name and/or contract address of a coin on twitter and do a quick scan for any red flags or or positive signs.

Red flags would include credible information that the coin may be a scam/rug or that the team/dev is dumping early on.

Positive signs could include an active twitter page for the project, a community around it, or traders with strong track records following/mentioning it.

-Holders/Liquidity Providers:

If one or a few addresses hold a significant portion of a coin’s supply it is worth figuring out why.

One of the larger holders will usually be the liquidity pool for the dex, but it is also possible that a team/dev reserved a large portion of the tokens for themselves.

It is a good sign if the LP tokens for the pool and any team/dev allocations are locked at least for a fair period of time as this incentivizes them to grow the project and removes concerns about immediate dumping.

Another reason an address may hold a large portion of the supply is if they were extremely early or sniped the token launch to buy a lot of coins for very cheap.

If this is the case, they will almost always dump the tokens at some point. However, if the project has real potential then that dump could provide a good entry.

Risk Management:

It is absolutely essential to practice strong risk management when trading new coins. It is completely possible for a new coin to go to 0 and for your investment to end up worthless.

That is the risk you take in exchange for the potentially massive rewards. However, if you implement risk management procedures then you can lower that risk.

-Portfolio Allocation:

You should not be risking any amount you are not willing to lose on new coins. Even if a new coin does end up going 10X or more, it is very common for there to be corrections of -50% or more during that uptrend due to the extreme volatility of microcap coins.

If you are overinvested then these corrections could cause you to panic sell and miss out on the subsequent gains.

On the other hand, if you are comfortable with the amount you invested then you will be able to remain calm and hold through the volatility.

-Taking Profits:

So you did the research, found a promising coin early on, and have made some crazy returns … don’t be scared to take profits if the amount you made is significant to you personally.

It is very easy to see someone else on twitter making a 6 figure trade or holding a memecoin for 1000X and feel like your own gains are small in comparison.

Unfortunately, this has led to many people refusing to take profits and giving back life-changing profits.








