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Solana 中斷引發了有關客戶多樣性和 Beta 狀態的問題

Solana 網路於世界標準時間 2 月 6 日上午 10:22 經歷了嚴重中斷,區塊生產暫停了五個多小時,然後驗證器重新啟動了網路。

這並不是 Solana 第一次宕機。

自 2022 年 1 月以來,Solana 已發生約六次重大停機和十五天部分或重大停機。

Solana 中斷引發了有關客戶多樣性和 Beta 狀態的問題



Solana 於 2 月 9 日發布了最近一次中斷的事後報告,詳細說明了原因以及驗證器如何重新啟動網路。

該報告顯示,Solana 的即時 (JIT) 編譯快取遇到了該錯誤,該快取會在執行交易之前編譯所有程式。

早些時候,JIT 快取是使用「ExecutorsCache」實現的,但是,在 v1.16 版本中,ExecutorsCache 被名為「LoadedPrograms」的新實作所取代。


然而,該載入程式遇到了遺留載入程式問題,導致 JIT 快取遇到舊程式的循環,導致它重複重新編譯它們,而不是有效地存取和執行它們的指令。


Solana 策略主管 Austin Federa 告訴 Cointelegraph,有一個用新馬達系統取代舊裝載機系統的流程,但計劃在更新版本中停用它。


JIT 編譯器遇到了無法找到所需內容的問題。


Solana 工程師很快就發現並修復了問題,更新了系統進程,並識別了這些舊程式以防止未來的重新編譯週期。


一些批評者表示,導致 Solana 中斷的一個重要因素是缺乏客戶端多樣性,從而導致潛在的中心故障點。

開源去中心化交易平臺 Komodo 的技術長 Kadan Stadelmann 告訴 Cointelegraph,Solana 的開發人員和驗證者優先考慮快速傳輸程式碼,而不是維持完美的網路正常運行時間,並補充道:

“The key reason is centralization and lack of validator client options. Solana’s ambition for high throughput and low transaction times puts immense pressure on its infrastructure, making it susceptible to performance degradation and outages.”

However, Federa suggests Solana possesses much more accurate architecture and explains that only two smart contract networks worldwide have independent validator clients: Ethereum and Solana. Currently, Solana has one major validator client built on one functional codebase.

“Solana has never had an outage due to a fault in consensus or something along those lines. The problems have always been implementation details. It’s always been that there’s been a bug somewhere in the implementation layer, which is not better or worse. It’s just an important kind of accuracy,” Austin explained.

The Solana mainnet “beta” saga

The Solana blockchain was launched in March 2020, and over the next four years, the network has made significant strides in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. Solana ranks as the fifth-largest DeFi chain in total value locked, with over $1.7 billion in capital allocated to different on-chain protocols. Its native Solanatoken has a market valuation of around $49 billion, making it the fifth-largest cryptocurrency.

Despite a magnificent track record, Solana has never officially come out of its beta phase. The blockchain is still referred to as being in mainnet beta. Beta is a term that refers to nearly finished software that a select group of users is testing before an official launch.

However, the Solana blockchain is open to everyone, with hundreds of decentralized applications utilized to launch various products. The blockchain ecosystem also boasts a vibrant nonfungible token (NFT) ecosystem.

Solana underwent brief private and public beta testing before releasing v1.0 four years ago, and today, the network processes more transactions than most other chains.

Even though the code is still changing, Solana is much beyond what can be considered beta software. The persistent misperception results from a mix-up between pre-launch testing and post-launch software maturity and misconceptions around Solana’s messaging.

The beta status has attracted much criticism of the blockchain, especially in light of its outages over the past two years. Crypto users on social media have often mocked that Solana’s status as a mainstream blockchain often changes to mainnet beta and back, depending on whether the chain is down.

Solana 中斷引發了有關客戶多樣性和 Beta 狀態的問題

Federa claimed that most blockchain systems are in beta today and that only Bitcoin and Ethereum are probably complete mainnets and explained:

“It takes a long time for software systems to stabilize and be feature-complete as important new features are still being shipped on the Solana network. I think we’re probably nearing the end of that beta phase. From a technology standpoint, one of the significant milestones for that will be the launch of a second independent validator client.”

許多 DeFi 支持者認為,Solana 的停機無疑是其成為以太坊競爭對手的障礙。






