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距離減半還有不到 60 天,趕快買這些山寨幣吧!

距離減半還有不到 60 天,趕快買這些山寨幣吧!

首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

Pantera Capital 是一家專注於數位資產的對沖基金,預計未來 18-24 個月加密貨幣牛市即將到來,並認為幾種山寨幣已準備好大幅上漲。

由於距離比特幣減半還有不到 60 天,通常會引發市場反彈,因此現在可能是投資這些山寨幣的最佳時機。


BlastUP 預售:後起之秀將繼續爆炸革命

Blast 是唯一一個具有 ETH 和穩定幣原生收益的 Layer 2 區塊鏈,最近以其令人頭暈目眩的推出在加密世界引起轟動,在短短一個月內就達到了驚人

10 億美元 TVL 。


BlastUP 是一個突破性的啟動平臺,準備追隨 Blast 的巨大成功之路,計劃透過 AI 創新為 Web3 工具提供支持,以實現快速、高品質的新創公司啟動。




目前,BlastUP 正在進行預售,以最低價格提供 BlastUP 代幣。

現在以 0.04 美元的價格購買這些代幣,


60% 的大幅折扣,因為上市價格設定為 0.1 美元。

>> 成為第一名!

從 BlastUP 預售中獲取獨家福利 <<

BlastUP 代幣的持有者可以受益於許多特權,包括代幣銷售分配、參與 IDO 的獨家忠誠度獎勵以及透過質押賺取利息的能力。

遵循幫助區塊鏈新創公司更快成長並賺取更多收入的簡單使命,BlastUP 正在成為主導力量。


BlastUP 的全面路線圖將持續到 2026 年,其中概述了推出 AI IDO 篩選器、開發為新創團隊量身定制的 AI 工具以及建立社區市場的計劃。

>> 立即加入 BlastUP 預售,解鎖早期福利 <<

SEI 價格可能因與 Omni 合作而飆升,但風險仍然存在

SEI’s current price of $0.82 may experience a significant shift due to the partnership with Omni Foundation for standard unification of Ethereum NFTs. In the short term, the price may target the resistance level at $0.96, encouraged by the renewed market interest. However, MACD’s sell recommendation indicates there’s still downside risk, potentially towards the support level at $0.45.

In the long run, the broader adoption of the unified standard can make SEI an integral part of the Ethereum NFT ecosystem, bolstering its price to the second resistance level of $1.27. However, this push requires persistent market appetite for NFTs, which is yet unsure. The Simple Moving Average of 100 days at $0.54 suggests a much lower price level is possible if market conditions wane.

Arbitrum (ARB) Bullish Trend Predicted Amid Film Production Involvement

Arbitrum (ARB) is in the spotlight for its involvement in a film production backed by an Oscar-winning producer. This exciting development could invigorate investor interest and potentially trigger a bullish trend. Balanced against the current ARB market price near $1.8, a surge past the $2.28 and even the $2.80 resistance levels might be on the cards, particularly as the SMA 100-days Buy recommendation mirrors long-term growth prospects.

However, despite the hype around the filmmaking venture, ARB’s market dynamics indicate a more cautious outlook. Given the MACD sell recommendation and the SMA 10-days also signaling to sell, there are risks of short term downward price adjustments. The support levels of $1.37 and $0.98, alongside neutral RSI and Stochastic RSI Fast recommendations, could signify potential price ranges should this dampened sentiment prevail.

Mixed Predictions for Polygon (MATIC): Potential Bullish Turn or Downtrend Risk

The oscillation of Polygon (MATIC) presents both opportunities and risks. Overcoming the near-term resistance at $1.18 could escalate growth potential, pushing towards the next resistance level at approximately $1.29. Coupled with a MACD buy recommendation, it suggests potential for an upward swing, though this needs careful analysis over the next 100-day simple moving average.

However, the market is not devoid of downward pressures. Currently trading near $1, there is a risk of retreatment to the first support level of $0.64 with an underperforming 10-day simple moving average. Neutral recommendations from RSI and Stochastic RSI Fast suggest a balanced but cautious approach, recognising the possibility of MATIC prices retreating to even the second support level at $0.50.


BlastUP 因其創新理念和在前景廣闊的 Blast 生態系統中的策略定位而脫穎而出。

雖然 Sei、Arbitrum 和 Polygon 都可以提供有趣的機會,但與突破性專案 BlastUP 相比,它們的潛力似乎有些黯然失色。

關鍵要點是:雖然其他代幣可能具有吸引力,但 BlastUP 憑藉其獨特的產品和堅實的願景,有望實現巨大的成長。



