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Banker's Survival Guide: Navigating the Bull Marke

Revealing the Seven Steps of Banker: Rules of Survival in Bull Market The bull market of 2024-2025 has begun, but have you noticed that many people have not made any money in this grand market? Don't be dazzled by other people's praise, it is crucial to carefully observe the stage of the currency you hold!Seven steps for dealers to draw pictures:1. Fund-raising stage: The market fluctuates, the volume can be amplified, and the upper and lower boxes are trading peaks. The decline is rapid and the rise is slow.2. The first stage of promotion: Rapid promotion to allow retail investors to quickly leave the cost zone.3. The first stage of the wash: The wash is in-depth, the volume is reduced, and lies are created to make retail investors think that the stock price will fall below the previous low.4. The second stage of rising: slow and long, breaking through the high point of the first stage, retail investors belatedly realized, and ushered in a new round of storm.5. The second stage of the wash: The speed of the wash is accelerated, the plunge is scary, the pull-up speed is accelerated, and it is impossible to intervene in the meat-cutting field and outside the field.6. The third stage of rising: the fastest and most substantial rise, attracting market attention, and multiple daily limits, inducing retail investors to intervene at high levels.7. Shipping stage: Shipping begins in the final stage. If sufficient shipments are made during the pull-up process, the currency price will fall quickly. The key is to watch turnover rates.Rules of survival:Smart observation stage: It is crucial to understand the position of the currency and do not blindly chase the rise.Pay attention to the turnover rate: The turnover rate at the time of shipment is a key indicator, which reveals the adequacy of the dealer's shipments.Cherish profits: In a bull market, harvest profits in a timely manner and treat market fluctuations rationally.Always stay vigilant: The seven steps of the banker are not a fixed pattern, the market is constantly changing, so stay vigilant at all times.Only by traveling through bulls and bears and understanding the banker's thoughts can you be sure of victory. Follow me and let’s reveal the secrets of the market together! Banker's Survival Guide: Navigating the Bull Marke


