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Market Signals and Analysis

  • 2024-02-24 17:21:38
  • 75
I would like to sincerely remind my friends in the currency circle, whether you are bold or timid, there are two important signals on the market. Let’s take a look:1. Today, the market is crumbling, and the lowest price has been adjusted back to around 50.5k. I am confused, and the short-term selling pressure is obvious. As soon as the main funds are withdrawn, and the 50k mark is broken down, the price will plummet!2. There are two important signals on the market: First, the technical 4-hour trend has broken, and the previous upward trend has been destroyed! The second is around 52.5k. After a week-long consolidation, the foreplay has been sufficient and no effective breakthrough has been formed, so the climax will come soon! The short-term trend is expected to continue to test the demand for 49.2k and 48.5k below!3. How will the market perform next?I told everyone at the beginning of the week that any surge above 52k is considered a decline in Laojiu's eyes, and it can be considered that the main force is digging a hole, waiting for everyone to jump in! Now take a look at the market, are you getting the same answer?Recently, the AI ????track has been on a continuous rise, almost doubling in a week. If you read the article, then big fish and meat are not a problem! Although the market is correcting, the sector that belongs to us is soaring that we feel like we don’t even recognize it!There are still a few trading days before the pie closes on the monthly line. In 4 hours, the daily trend has peaked signals. Now the main force has only one way to go: a correction!Happy Lantern Festival! Like, follow, and retweet are the greatest support! Market Signals and Analysis

