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Currency Selection Strategies for Financial Freedo

  • for
  • 2024-02-23 13:48:24
  • 54
What currency should I buy to gain financial freedom?Before the bull market, you need to devote a lot of time to research projects1. Trading volume: 24-hour trading volume is at least 1-10M2. Currency holding volume: The size and quantity of currency holding address positions must be observed. The position cannot be too large, as it may cause a market crash. The larger the quantity, the better.3. Team background: Be sure to research the team’s background. Don’t open the official website and see the Chinese page. This is a 100% pig-killing game. Don’t be too lazy to search on X (original Twitter) to learn about other people’s backgrounds.4. Technological innovation: Coin speculation generally involves speculation on the new rather than the old. Some innovative protocols and technologies will attract a large number of investors to join and may replace the old protocols.Then choose a few projects that you think you are good at and invest in them regularlyMultiple tracks need to be laid out togetherRats/ordi like the recent inscription trackkas/inj/avax of layer1 public chain trackrndr/tao of artificial intelligence trackNaka on the chain travel circuitIf you think Ether can still take off in this bull market, you can also invest in arb/op on its layer 2 track.Currency Selection Strategies for Financial Freedo


