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Career Planning: The Suzhou Housing Prices Metapho

It was useful to hold it in at first, but later I had diarrhea, and I couldn't hold it in any longer.A friend from Suzhou who is an e-commerce business. He told me that house prices in Suzhou have dropped by 30%. I said, "No, haven't all purchase restrictions in Suzhou been lifted? Why are they still falling?" He smiled and said, "After the purchase restrictions have been lifted, house prices are a little bit lower. It rebounded briefly, but then stopped again.”"Suzhou's purchase restrictions are like holding back orders in a live broadcast room. Holding them in at first works, but then they get worse and you can't hold them in any longer."Damn, this metaphor is so vivid, this is the right thing to do when it comes to career planning!Sometimes, we are like that person in Suzhou, holding back all our energy at the beginning, looking forward to promotion and salary increase, and looking forward to rising housing prices. However, the workplace, like housing prices, has its ups and downs, ups and downs. You have to be mentally prepared and don't panic when you fall.Therefore, I think career planning is just like housing prices in Suzhou. You must have a long-term perspective and cannot just look at the immediate rise and fall. You have to make your own judgment. You can't just chase when others say it's going up, or run away when others say it's going down.The most important thing is that you have to be patient, just like the housing prices in Suzhou, sometimes they fall, but as long as you persist, there will always be a day when they rebound. The same is true in the workplace. As long as you work hard, you will always succeed.The workplace is like a drama, it all depends on acting skills, but don’t just look at the superficial ups and downs, look at the long term, be patient, and persevere, so that you can have the last laugh.Really? Are you ready for 2024?


