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Let me summarize the hot topics I posted before. The bull market has been confirmed (my personal bull market judgment is that every day there is a coin with a 100% increase on Binance, you can pay attention to it). Now I will summarize my gameplay and my overall goals for this year.The previous goal was to have a principal of 5W and earn 3000W before 2025. However, as Bitcoin is rising so fast, I will shorten the goal to 3000W this year. Sometimes people really need an opportunity and persistence. Let me tell you how to operate the bull market.Here's how to do it:1. You cannot play with contracts, you cannot play with high leverage, and you cannot chase the rise or fall (sideways trading within a certain range does not count as chasing the high)2. Because my principal is 5W, I have made five plans in the early stage to reach 3125W by 5 times. I currently hold LEVER, which is my opportunity. As long as it breaks through 0.003USDT, I feel that I may be able to reach 300W before 300W. It’s all about doubling and leaving without lingering. This will shorten the waiting time a lot compared to 5 times, so doubling and then looking for other coins is my new plan, (0.003 because I want to have a VIP group to guide everyone operate together)3. You can buy the coins I publish directly. If it takes 1-2 days, it depends on your own operation method, because I never like to chase high prices and pay attention in time.At present, I have released all the currencies in the community. Everyone can follow them at any time or come to us to communicate together. Thank you everyone.The Spring Festival is coming soon. I would like to wish you all good luck in the future and make 3000W this year. Our Sanqian Community wishes you all to get rich and prosper this year!Don’t criticize me if I write poorly. Making money is difficult. After all, if it were so easy to speculate in stocks and coins, the currency circle would be rich. Everyone has their own operating methods and opportunities. I hope everyone can make 30 million W this year! (Why do I have to say earn 3000W, because statistics show that in first-tier cities such as Beijing, if you have a house and a car, 3000W is enough to live a well-off life!!! My goal is to be well-off)2021年投資策略和規劃


