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"Thirteenth Circle: Leading Friends to Accumulate

Many friends in the currency circle have very limited start-up funds, so they especially hope that Shisan can lead them to do short-term work and accumulate funds to make money in the bull market.The risk of short-term trading is very high at this stage, and Thirteen Circles is mainly based on long-term spot layout, supplemented by short-term.Thirteen is smart. The short-term uncertainty is too great and the error rate is very high, so I will not touch this bad luck. We mainly focus on long-term layout and be an "opportunistic smart blogger".At what point to enter, how to enter, how to reasonably lay out positions, how to take profits, what track to lay out, how to make full use of the plate rotation effect to roll positions, etc. are our main research directions.The outbreak of bull market hotspots all rotate. After the Bitcoin ETF hotspot has passed, it is now the turn of the Ethereum ETF. What’s next? Is it AI?? Or an oracle? Or is it a chain game? Or a public chain?This requires veteran drivers like Thirteen to study the data in advance, track the trends of big funds and make reasonable analysis, and then we, Thirteen Circles, will make arrangements in advance?.When it comes to a real bull market, we will lead everyone to invest with a currency-standard mentality. The currency standard is Bitcoin and Ethereum. When a currency rises sharply, it is reasonable to switch to another project.In this way, in this bull market, positions can be rolled over multiple times and doubled quickly. If a coin only doubled 10 times in the bull market, then through the currency-based rolling method, 15 times or even 20 times of profits can be achieved.Of course, everyone must not have too high expectations before entering the Thirteenth Circle. Our investment is mainly based on spot goods. It is difficult to achieve such a great goal as wealth and freedom, and it can also improve life.Some friends started to borrow money to enter the market because they thought Thirteen was reliable. Once I knew about it, I would dissuade them because investing with your own money and investing with borrowed money are completely different mentality.There is a cost to borrowing money. When the market fluctuates, your mentality will be distorted. Sometimes you will go crazy, thinking that you can take a gamble and make money back.But the result is usually to leave the market at zero, and still bear a lot of debt.




