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2024 Jiachen Year Coin Circle Metaphysics Research

First of all, I would like to thank Binance Ying Ge beauty for the invitation. Golden Rabbit has specially produced a metaphysical research report for the Year of Jiachen in 2024 to give back to Binance Square platform fans. I wish everyone can hold profitable coins in the Year of Jiachen and become rich together. .

2024 Jiachen Year Coin Circle Metaphysics Research

Catalog of metaphysical research reports on coin circles in the Jiachen Year

1. Introduction to the year Jiachen and personal fortune

(1) What is Tai Sui?

(2) People who commit Tai Sui offenses

(3) Methods to resolve Tai Sui offenses

2. Home Feng Shui in the Year of Jiachen

(1) Directions to pay attention to

1. The direction of Tai Sui should be quiet and not moving.

2. Tai Sui can sit but not face

3. Ground breaking in Tai Sui direction

4. Three evil prescriptions

(2) The direction of welcoming wealth

1. 2024 Jiachen Feng Shui layout (positive financial position)

2. Feng Shui layout in 2024 (partial to financial position) - a must-read for WEB3 investment friends

1. Introduction to the year Jiachen and personal fortune

Jiachen annual cycle, February 4, 2023 - February 2, 2025

From the point of view of Yi science, the year 2024 we are talking about refers to the new year after entering the 24 solar terms and the beginning of spring. The beginning of spring is the dividing point. The specific time of the beginning of spring in 2024 is: 16:26 on February 4, 2024. After this time, we will officially enter 2024, which is what we call the Year of the Dragon.

2024 Jiachen Year Coin Circle Metaphysics Research

I believe many people are very concerned about their fortune in the Year of the Dragon. According to the Book of Changes, it is important to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. You must first avoid the bad things before you can seek good fortune. So the topic that we cannot do without in avoiding evil is committing Tai Sui.

As the saying goes, "If you sit on the head of Tai Sui, you may have misfortune if you don't have good luck." This sounds terrible, but in fact, through my exchanges with doctors, I found that not all people have bad luck in the year when they fall into Tai Sui. Generally speaking, the good ones are obvious, and the bad ones are also obvious.

(1) What is Tai Sui?

So what is committing Tai Sui, and why does it have such an impact on us?

"Shenxu Sutra" says: "Tai Sui is the image of a human king. He leads the gods, rectifies the direction, mediates the timing, and achieves the success of the year."

"Yuanhai Ziping" says: "Tai Sui is the emperor in his middle years, so he cannot be violated, otherwise it will be bad."

"San Ming Tong Hui" says: "The person who is too old is the master of one year old and the leader of the gods."

From the perspective of Chinese folk customs, every year there are people of several zodiac signs who offend the Nian God who controls human fortunes throughout the year, which is what we call Tai Sui God and Tai Sui Star Lord. For example, Tai Sui in the year Jiachen in 2024 Xingjun is General Li Cheng.

Tai Sui Xingjun in the Jiachen Year: A Brief Biography of General Li Cheng:

2024 Jiachen Year Coin Circle Metaphysics Research

In the year of Jiachen in 2024 (the year of Tai Sui), General Li Cheng was born in Weinan (today's eastern part of the Weihe Plain in Shaanxi Province) during the Yuan Dynasty. His name was Li Cheng, with the courtesy name Kecheng. He once served as the magistrate of Longyou Xiansi, and was later promoted to the magistrate of Sanyuan County (today's Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province).

Li Cheng was honest and upright throughout his life. He was tolerant and discerning in his work as an official. He emphasized both majesty and benevolence. He implemented moral governance, relaxed criminal laws, encouraged farming, established schools, eliminated evil and theft from society, and was able to restrain his subordinates and officials. Soldiers.

When local thieves heard Li Cheng's name, they did not dare to go into the city to harass him. At that time, there were thieves in Henan who were up to no good. The imperial court sent troops to clean up the bandits, and they needed to apportion food and taxes.

Li Cheng apportioned the money according to the wealth difference between the people's families. The people did not live in poverty because of the military needs, and the entire territory under Li Cheng's jurisdiction could also find peace. At that time, the people called Li Cheng "Xunliang" and praised his clean and honest government.

From a scientific point of view, Tai Sui is the Jupiter in the sky. Our ancient Chinese called Jupiter the Sui Star or Tai Sui. It takes about 12 years for Jupiter to orbit the sun. This 12-year cycle corresponds to our twelve zodiac signs. It is against Tai Sui. It is Jupiter's energy and magnetic field that has a regular impact on our life on earth during this year. Some people will be greatly affected by Jupiter's conflict, so it is called Tai Sui. The essence is that the ancient Chinese folklorized astronomical knowledge. Different conflicting relationships will also have different impacts. This conflicting relationship is divided into five types, namely punishment, conflict, destruction, harm, and value.

(2) People who commit Tai Sui offenses

The zodiac signs that offend Tai Sui in 2024 are dragon (value and punishment of Tai Sui, double), dog (oppose Tai Sui), rabbit (harm Tai Sui), and ox (defeat Tai Sui).

So the above-mentioned zodiac signs that are guilty of Tai Sui must be more cautious when doing things in the Year of the Dragon, and the same goes for investments. Golden Rabbit, from my nickname, I am guilty of harming Tai Sui. My birth time and earthly branch are rabbits, and I am also guilty of Tai Sui. Therefore, I have suffered from severe colds many times since the beginning of winter. This is the impact of harming Tai Sui on my personal health. So this year in the Year of the Rabbit, I started to pay attention to a lot of things. In the Year of the Dragon, what I need to do is try not to conflict with others, be more careful with my language, pay attention to my body, and be more careful with my diet. The following are some specific situations where Tai Sui is violated:

2024 Jiachen Year Coin Circle Metaphysics Research

※ Dragon: worth Tai Sui + punishment Tai Sui

In 2024, the natal year of people born under the sign of the Dragon is Tai Sui (the value of Tai Sui). Numerologically speaking, it belongs to Fuyin Tai Sui, which is commonly known as "Offending Tai Sui in the natal year", and at the same time, they are also guilty of "punishing Tai Sui".

The birth years of people born in the Year of the Dragon are: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

The earthly branch of Jia Chen in 2024 is Chen. When the zodiac dragon meets Chen, it is called Tai Sui, also known as Fu Yin Tai Sui. Fu Yin Fu Yin brings tears. Anyone who is in Tai Sui will have bad luck.

A simple metaphor: In the past, emperors were called dragons, and there could only be one emperor. If two emperors (two dragons) appeared in a court, it would inevitably cause turmoil. Therefore, it would be strange if Chen didn't fight when he met Chen.

In addition, Chenchen is self-punishing, and "punishment" refers to criminal injury, punishment, and disaster. It is easy to cause troubles, encounter teasing, poor career, difficult financial luck, and bumpy marriages, etc. You need to take precautions in advance!

2024 is the birth year of the Dragon zodiac sign, which means Tai Sui + Tai Sui, and Tai Sui has been committed for two consecutive years in 23 and 24. The fortune is sluggish and it is difficult to improve the energy. It can range from bruises and scratches to serious bloodshed. It is suitable for daily life. Pay more attention to safety.

※ Rabbit: Harmful to Tai Sui

In 2024, people born in the Year of the Rabbit will suffer from Tai Sui.

The birth years of Rabbit people are: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.

The earthly branch of the zodiac rabbit is Mao wood, and in the year of the dragon, Mao Chen harms each other, so it is called "harming Tai Sui". "harm" means persecution, harm, and victimization. It is easy to have accidental injuries, plots by others, quarrels, etc., so you need to take precautions in advance!

"Sickness Talisman" is in charge of safety and health. If you encounter it in a fleeting year, your luck will be damaged, injuries and illnesses will continue, and you will easily lose money due to illness. If it is serious, it will affect your career. It was shared above that rabbits are harmful to Tai Sui, causing constant colds and coughs. People who are suffering from Tai Sui must pay more attention to their health and eat as little cold fruits as possible in their diet. In the next year, there will be more water and moisture, and fruits can easily cause a burden on the body.

An ancient book says: "You should not associate with people who are prone to the six evils, as this will bring harm to your parents and compatriots." In 2024, people born under the zodiac sign of Rabbit should not only pay attention to their own safety, but also pay more attention to their family members, take precautions, and strive to keep the whole family safe.

※ Dog: Chong Tai Sui

Dog people will conflict with Tai Sui in 2024, which is a more turbulent type of conflict with Tai Sui.

The birth years of people born in the Year of the Dog are: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, and 2018.

The earthly branch "Xu" of the dog zodiac sign is in conflict with Tai Sui, because Chen Xu is in conflict with each other, so in numerology, it is "opposed to Tai Sui". Confrontation means collision and impact. If it conflicts with Suijun, your fortune will be ups and downs due to external forces. It is prone to breakup of friends and relatives, physical illness, career downgrade, enmity with others, relationship breakdown, etc. You need to take precautions in advance!

"Disaster" is the main disaster, and it mostly refers to external disasters. You may be injured due to unexpected accidents, or suffer from illness. In years when it conflicts with Sui Jun, the appearance of "disaster" will make things worse, which will make the year worse. Due to the harm brought by you, Dog people can easily become hesitant and lack of responsibility, making their fortunes worse.

※ Ox: breaking Tai Sui

In 2024, people born under the zodiac Ox will be born in Tai Sui.

The birth years of Ox people are: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, and 2021.

The earthly branch of the Ox zodiac sign is Chou soil, and when it falls in the year of the zodiac, it is called "Po Tai Sui". When it is broken, it is destroyed and appears to be scattered and moving. If your career is in ruins and there are many dangers and obstacles, it is better to be quiet rather than move.

It is easy to lose money, and there is a lot of talk in everything, and there may be villains. The relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious, and it is difficult to have a happy family.

People born under the zodiac sign of Ox may have troubles or accidents. People born under the Ox zodiac sign in 2024 must abide by traffic rules, or be constantly vigilant when dealing with people and things around them.

Please note that the above situations are all for people with bad luck. As mentioned before, not all people who are guilty of Tai Sui are bad. On the contrary, many people who are guilty of Tai Sui have very good luck this year, and their lives have ushered in a big turning point. That is, the good things are obvious, and the bad things are also very bad. obvious. Don't pigeonhole yourself directly into the bad. If you feel that your fortune is good in all aspects after the beginning of winter this year, then it is very likely that your fortune will be good next year.

(3) Methods to resolve Tai Sui offenses

Tai Sui in 2024 is slightly more serious than in previous years, because the transition between 2024 and 2023 is not only the transition of the two Tai Sui gods, but also the transition of the entire atmosphere from the Eight White Luck Gen Earth Luck to the Nine Purple Li Fire Luck. The market fluctuates greatly, and the Year of Jiachen is the first of the decade. Everyone needs to be more cautious, low-key and peaceful when doing things in this year.

At the same time, the transition from the eighth to the ninth movement is also an opportunity for the web3 industry. We know that Babai earth luck and earth-related industries are very prosperous, such as real estate, and those who work in it make a lot of money. When the Nine Purple Fire Luck comes, anything related to technology, digital, culture, and virtuality will be very popular, while the blockchain industry is virtual and a bunch of numbers. Blockchain should be very prosperous in the next 20 years, and the web3 industry Friends, you can take advantage of these golden 20 years.

There are many Taoist methods to resolve Tai Sui, but friends in the currency circle tend to believe in science and may not be interested in folk methods. I will share with you some more practical and easy-to-implement methods, which will be suitable for most people.

First, in the Year of the Dragon, Golden Rabbit recommends eating less seafood products. In 2024, the year of Jiachen and the year


