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3 種加密貨幣可將 100 美元變成 1,000 美元






比特幣一直保持在 42,000 美元












在此背景下,Finbold 確定了以下三種加密貨幣,它們有可能將 100 美元的投資變成 1,000 美元。

索拉納 (SOL)






這是在 SOL 克服 FTX 交易所崩潰帶來的挑戰之後發生的。

該代幣在過去一年經歷了顯著的飆升,達到了超過 121 美元的年度高點。

最近價值的上漲可歸因於對最近流行的 Solana 網路迷因幣的需求。

例如,最新的 meme 代幣 WEN 被空投給用戶,部分推動了 Solana 地址的大幅增加, 2024 年 1 月


了至少 1000 萬個地址。

同時,隨著加密貨幣 Saga 智慧型手機的成功,該網路也引起了人們的關注。

繼 Solana 首款智慧型手機獲得正面回應後,第二個版本的預訂量在一小時內迅速達到近 30,000 份,顯示需求不斷增長。




1 月份,交易額達到 1 兆美元,創多年新高,較 2023 年 12 月成長 30%。

這種活動的增加可能會為 Solana 提供更實質的基本面支持,從而可能引發 SOL 價格飆升。

此外,更廣泛的市場多頭市場可能是持續上漲的關鍵催化劑,有可能將 100 美元的投資轉化為豐厚的回報。

截至發稿時,Solana 交易價格為 97.51 美元,週跌幅約為 0.1%

3 種加密貨幣可將 100 美元變成 1,000 美元

Chainlink (LINK) has solidified its role as a vital element in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector by offering decentralized oracle services that connect smart contracts and real-world data. The reliability and security of Chainlink’s decentralized oracles have positioned it as a crucial component in numerous blockchain projects, contributing to the steady ascent of the LINK token’s value.

In recent days, LINK has experienced a noteworthy surge, propelling the altcoin market to new heights. This surge in buying pressure resulted in LINK surpassing Tron (TRX) to become the 11th largest cryptocurrency based on market capitalization.

Currently, Chainlink is eyeing new price milestones, with the $20 mark identified as the next target, driven by significant on-chain activities.

In this line, data by Santiment highlighted a surge in previously dormant wallets, leading to the highest Age Consumed spike for Chainlink, measuring 5.38 billion. The Age Consumed metric is derived by multiplying the coins’ movement by the number of days those coins had been inactive. This influx of LINK back into the network’s circulation has played a pivotal role in the recent upswing.

3 種加密貨幣可將 100 美元變成 1,000 美元

In the broader context, as the demand for decentralized finance solutions expands, Chainlink is strategically positioned to benefit from the growing DeFi ecosystem. This makes it an attractive investment for those seeking to capitalize on the decentralized future of finance.

By press time, LINK was trading at $18.32 with daily gains of over 2%.

3 種加密貨幣可將 100 美元變成 1,000 美元

Polygon (MATIC)

As a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, Polygon (MATIC) has garnered widespread acclaim for effectively addressing scalability challenges within the Ethereum network.

By furnishing a framework that facilitates the creation and interconnection of Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks, Polygon elevates the functionality and efficiency of decentralized applications. The MATIC token has demonstrated significant price appreciation as the platform continues to gain popularity.

With a diverse range of projects actively developing on the Polygon platform, a $100 investment in MATIC can benefit from the network’s growing significance in the broader blockchain landscape. Additionally, MATIC can potentially experience a rally during a bull run, given its historical tendency to closely align with the overall market trends.

By press time, MATIC was valued at $0.78 with weekly losses of about 2%.

3 種加密貨幣可將 100 美元變成 1,000 美元

Ultimately, while these projects offer promising opportunities supported by robust fundamentals, it’s essential to emphasize that their success will primarily hinge on the prevailing market sentiments.


