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儘管無數(shù)西方媒體描述了中國的加密貨幣“禁令”,但加密貨幣貿(mào)易在中國大陸仍然非常活躍。據(jù)報(bào)道,去年僅一個月時(shí)間,幣安在中國的加密貨幣交易額就達(dá)到了 900 億美元,使中國成為全球最大交易所的最大市場。









因此,讓我們花點(diǎn)時(shí)間來回顧一些更知名的加密貨幣打擊行動以及他們實(shí)際上所說的內(nèi)容。 2013年,中國限制金融和支付機(jī)構(gòu)參與比特幣。 2017 年,中國禁止首次代幣發(fā)行(ICO),這一點(diǎn)眾所周知。中國也明確表示,不再歡迎虛擬貨幣交易所在中國公開營運(yùn)。在 2017 年打擊行動之前,中國是比特幣交易量的主導(dǎo)者。這次打擊行動並沒有消滅大陸的加密貨幣貿(mào)易,但無疑地將其推入了灰色地帶。 BTCC 是中國營運(yùn)時(shí)間最長的比特幣交易所,於 2017 年關(guān)閉了在中國大陸的交易業(yè)務(wù)。

An even more extensive crackdown came in 2021. This document, signed by 10 Chinese official bodies, has a wide range of restrictions. It says that virtual currency does not have the same legal status as fiat currency. In other words, Bitcoin is not legal tender. It says that virtual currency-related business activities are considered to be illegal financial activities. Exchange businesses should not act as central counterparties to buy and sell virtual currencies, and it is illegal for overseas virtual currency exchanges to provide services to Chinese residents through the Internet. There is other restrictive language as well.

In 2021 China also cracked down hard on domestic crypto mining. But, even amid all these restrictions, there are notable gaps. The 2021 regulations, for example, do not appear to restrict people from holding cryptocurrency. Nor do they appear to restrict peer-to-peer trading between individuals.

Another important passage in the 2021 document perhaps sheds more light on China’s official attitude toward crypto. The passage describes the legal risks involved in participating in virtual currency investment and trading activities. It notes that if someone invests in virtual currencies and violates public order and good morals, the relevant civil legal actions are invalid, and the resulting losses are borne by individuals.

In other words, if you lose your life savings on some meme coin, don’t go crying to the government about it. Individual crypto activities are not necessarily protected by law, but that’s not the same thing as being banned.

Social stability

The above passages may look like splitting hairs. One might argue that Chinese regulations make it so difficult to trade crypto that it amounts to an effective ban. But in order to understand the real situation, you have to look not just at the rules themselves, but at how the rules are – or not – being enforced.

It’s no secret that China’s crypto crackdown did not stop crypto trade. Chinese traders got a net $86 billion from crypto activity between July 2022 and June 2023, according to Chainalysis. In some cases, people continued to use accounts that they had opened on overseas exchanges. Sometimes they needed a virtual private network, sometimes they did not. Peer-to-peer trading via social media apps like WeChat or Telegram has also been possible. There are stories of people setting up companies abroad through intermediaries, and then using that overseas company to complete institutional know-your-customer (KYC) identification on crypto exchanges.

眾所周知,政府很難遏止像比特幣這樣的去中心化貨幣。但西方媒體普遍的說法——人們在中國當(dāng)局的背後秘密交易加密貨幣——並不完全正確。換句話說:如果幣安在中國進(jìn)行了 900 億美元的貿(mào)易,中國當(dāng)局可能對此有所了解。事實(shí)上,《華爾街日報(bào)》的同一篇文章指出,當(dāng)?shù)貓?zhí)法部門與幣安密切合作,以查明該交易所超過 90 萬活躍用戶中的犯罪活動。在檢查了線上加密貨幣交易所並採訪了散戶投資者後,路透社發(fā)現(xiàn)「在大陸獲得比特幣並不那麼困難」。







