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5 種低於 1 美元且預計上漲 5,000% 的加密貨幣

雖然加密貨幣市場充滿希望,但一些低於 1 美元大關的山寨幣,包括 VeChain、Flare、Algorand、XDC Network 和 Stellar,已經脫穎而出。

根據 CMC 數據,全球加密貨幣市值目前為 1.65 兆美元。雖然比特幣 (BTC) 佔這一估值的 51%,市值為 8,446 億美元,但其他加密資產的貢獻也不容忽視,尤其是那些低於 1 美元的加密資產。

市場分析師表示,其中一些加密貨幣的價值被嚴重低估,而新興的預測將使其獲得可觀的收益。我們編制了一份清單,列出了其中五種低於 1 美元的資產,這些資產可能在即將到來的牛市中表現出色。



唯鏈在去年九月開始的上一次市場上升趨勢中顯示出了其成長潛力。 VET 於 2023 年 12 月升值至 0.03877 美元的高位,三個月內飆升 146%。就背景而言,BTC 在同一時間內僅飆升 72%。

儘管去年第四季的表現令人印象深刻,但 VET 也未能倖免於持續的市場動盪。唯鏈目前的易手價格為 0.0289 美元,較 2023 年 12 月的高點下跌了 22%。

儘管如此,樂觀情緒仍然很高,特別是考慮到區塊鏈最近的里程碑。唯鏈最近揭露了與沃爾瑪達成的 2 億筆交易里程碑。隨著大盤準備進入多頭階段,分析師也確定了 VET 的看漲指標。

耀斑 (FLR)


值得注意的是,大多數資產要么自年初以來下跌,要么出現非常溫和的上漲。 BTC 今年迄今僅上漲了 1.7%,而以太幣 (ETH) 則僅上漲了 1.13%。

相比之下,Flare 今年迄今已大幅飆漲 49%。這使得 Flare 躋身今年漲幅最大的主流資產之列。有趣的是,該代幣自去年 11 月以來也上漲了 151%,目前易手價格為 0.02624 美元。

Flare 網路今年也取得了一些樂觀的成就,谷歌上個月正式成為 Flare 網路基礎設施供應商。 FLR 代幣相對較新。


阿爾戈蘭 (ALGO)

Algorand (ALGO) was one of the biggest victims of the correction of the previous month. The token had rallied by an impressive 171% from September to December 2023, hitting a nine-month high of $0.2532. Nonetheless, the correction of January 2024 triggered major losses.

Algorand eventually ended January with a massive 28% collapse, making it one of the biggest losers of the month.

However, amid the correction, ALGO retested the crucial resistance point at $0.1486, leveraging this territory as a springboard for substantial gains in the next market uptrend.

This floor represents its lowest value since December 2022. Algorand is already 2.8% up this month, currently trading for $0.1633.

Last November, prominent market analyst EGRAG highlighted a bullish W structure formed by ALGO, predicting an eventual surge to $7.5.

XDC Network (XDC)

The XDC Network (XDC) token appears to be charting its own unique course. While this pattern means the asset has missed out on market-wide uptrends, it has also enabled it to record substantial gains when the market is generally down.

XDC witnessed a massive 85% surge in July 2023 when BTC dropped 4% and ETH collapsed 4.02%. Even XRP, which gained legal clarity as a non-security that month, only gained 47% despite a rise to $0.93. XDC was one of the best-performing assets then.

However, the token failed to capitalize on the latest market-wide uptrend. XDC is also down 25.85% this year, changing hands at $0.04324.

Despite this bearish turn of events, XDC is positioned as one of the potential top gainers this year. The asset surged 3,797% in 2021 amid the market rally.

Stellar (XLM)

Stellar (XLM) is one of the assets that failed to fully leverage the previous market uptrend of late 2023. Nonetheless, this has not impacted its potential. The token, which closely mirrors XRP’s price movements, has recorded a similarly depressing performance in the past.

Notably, during the 2017 bull market, XLM performed poorly at the pre-bull run phase. While BTC rallied 89% from $572 in October 2016 to a high of $1,152 in January 2017, Stellar dropped by 0.46% within the same timeframe, similar to the ongoing pattern.

However, at its peak in the 2017 bull run, XLM had rallied 32,943% from its October 2016 price, reaching the all-time high of $0.9381.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin only rallied 1,775% from its October 2016 value at its 2017 peak. XLM’s uptrend began later into the bull market, and analysts believe this could be the trend in this cycle.


