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Chinese New Year Market Growth: Buy on New Year's

Chinese Lunar New Year New Year Quotes Are You Sure to Make Money?After reviewing the Spring Festival market from 2017 to 2023, and counting the data from New Year’s Eve to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, all of them showed positive growth!To put it bluntly, as long as you buy in the time zone UTC+8, buy on New Year’s Eve and sell on New Year’s Day, you will win big2017 closed at about 9.5%2018 closed at about 12.6%2019 closed at about 5.99%The closing price in 2020 is about 13.79%The closing price in 2021 is about 15.25%Closing in 2022 is about 10.8%2023 closes at about 8.2% Chinese New Year Market Growth: Buy on New Year's


