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The Mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto

  • the
  • 2024-01-22 14:12:15
  • 34
Why doesn’t Satoshi Nakamoto come out? What would happen if you showed up?It's not that he doesn't appear, it's that he can't appear.It is a sin when a person, an organization or a country has great wealth but fails to safeguard its capabilities.The disappearance of Satoshi Nakamoto makes it wise for others to take over the Bitcoin project.If he shows up, not only may it cause project problems, but he may also face unexpected risks and madness.This was not what he expected.He is definitely not short of money and has achieved financial freedom long ago.Therefore, his Bitcoins can remain unsold.If a person is penniless and lives in poverty, it is difficult not to sell coins.There are rumors that he has died, but I think that is unlikely.He may be engaged in other matters in another corner of the world while observing the development of Bitcoin.Bitcoin has completely escaped his control and become a powerful teenager.The bull market has gradually begun. I hope you will not miss this round of wealth opportunities.Whether you are a newbie or a veteran, there are many opportunities to earn freedom in this bonus market.If you decide to buy Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto has told you that the best way to get rich is to hold your own coins and wait low-key to get rich.It is predicted that by 2025, Bitcoin may reach 1 million to 2 million yuan each; by 2029, it may reach 5 million yuan; by 2034, it is expected to reach 20 million yuan.Don't think this is an exaggeration. Currency depreciation is very real. When I was a child, 5 cents could buy a lot of candy, but now 1 yuan can only buy one.Make money well and protect your wealth.There are huge risks in the currency circle. If you don’t understand it, please don’t act rashly.Finally, walking alone is lonely, and the bull market is coming. The Qiqi threshold-free small circle welcomes everyone to join us. We will move forward hand in hand and face the uncertainty of the future with certainty. The Mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto


