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Forbidden Reproduction of Historical Details - 202

  • 2024-01-21 17:57:17
  • 35
Always remind yourself that it is forbidden to reproduce historical details. And whether this year, next year or the year after, I will remember it deeply. There are two major trends in this bull market. Which two are big?①In 2024, do not engrave 2020 312.② In 2025, do not engrave the two-headed ox in 2021.What happened in reality?Let’s talk about the past 23 years first. The market started in January 2023. People who repeat history will think that the market will go sideways for several months like it did in early 2019. As a result, all the value restoration since 16595 was lost.In the second half of 2023, those who repeat history will think that the market will plummet until the end of 2019 and stop at the end of the year. I think it will be the opposite. Everyone who has carved a boat in 2019 will be empty again.In the first half of 2024, those who repeat history will think that the market will have a black swan like 312 before it will officially rise. There is a high probability that a black swan will not appear in the first half of 2024.At the end of 2024, those who repeat history will think that the market will be like the end of 2020, with crazy skyrocketing and reaching the top without looking back. On the contrary, there is a high probability that there will be no sharp rise at the end of 2024, and it will either go sideways or correct.In 2025, those who repeat history will think that the market will be like 2021, and there will be two tops, that is, a double-headed bull.In 2025, there is a high probability that there will not be a two-headed bull. Although the details are unpredictable, the general direction is consistent. It’s the upward path, but the ups and downs in the process are always beyond most people’s imagination. Just like the bull market from 2015 to 2017, the general direction is the same as the bull market from 2019 to 2021, but the intermediate process is completely different.

