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Danger of Abandoning Bitcoin

There are people who prefer stud altcoins and abandon Bitcoin.This round, many people exchanged their cheap Bitcoin chips for cash or altcoins, and were complacent about their decision.I thought I was too wise, but little did I know that a pair of invisible hands had already reached for my wallet.If you invest in Bitcoin this way, you will most likely not make money in this bull market.I know that many people follow a lot of bloggers who focus on altcoins. The theory of these bloggers is that altcoins are more profitable in bull markets.This is indeed the case. In every bull market, there are countless such investors, crazy and proud.I thought that my operation could beat the market, but in the end I discovered that if I kept holding Bitcoin or Ethereum, my profits would be the greatest.Many people specialize in speculating in altcoins, and they may be really capable. They can seize every band and maximize their profits, at least that's what the publicity says.Even if he has such ability, as an ordinary investor, no matter how much money you pay, you don't have such ability.Moreover, there is loss in the transmission of information. The time point, position, holding time, risk tolerance, funds, etc. are all different, and the results are naturally completely different.So if there are friends in our community who are ready to give up their Bitcoins and listen to the slanderous rumors about altcoins, then you are in very danger in this bull market.Every up and down fluctuation in the market challenges the greed and fear deep in human nature, and the dealers use this method to perfection.You will be driven to a nervous breakdown by the ups and downs of the market, and then you will make a last desperate move, and then leave the market with a loss. This is a true portrayal of the reason why most leeks are leeks, and it has nothing to do with you joining any community or following any so-called big boss. This is your fate if you give up Bitcoin.But if you can hold 40% of your Bitcoin position during the bull market, you will have the confidence to survive in the currency circle.In all these years in the cryptocurrency industry, I have never seen a big shot make his fortune relying on altcoins, almost all of which are Bitcoin.Those who use extraordinary means to cut leeks are not included. Their money stinks and is not included in the discussion.Therefore, friends of Thirteen Community must not despise or give up on Bitcoin.Thirteen will also pay attention to various technical indicators of Bitcoin at any time. When indicators such as Bitcoin market share reach the peak of the bull market, I will notify everyone to stop profits and enter the next popular track.It's safe to make a profit while magnifying the profits. Get ready for the next round of bear market.Don't believe that if you buy ** coins, you can skyrocket 50 times. If you want wealth and freedom, you should lower your expectations. For example, if you triple or five times the currency circle, you can improve the quality of your family's life. This pursuit is more appropriate.Come on, currency circle people,Environmental Concern Thirteen.


