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展望 2024 年:Solana 的計畫與重要價格點

創(chuàng)新、開發(fā)者參與和網(wǎng)絡(luò)可擴展性是 Solana 基金會剛剛提出的 2024 年計劃的主要關(guān)注點。根據(jù)基金會的聲明,“2024 年是 Solana 年”,特別強調(diào)了今年已完成重大意義的里程碑和製定的戰(zhàn)略目標。

「Solana 基金會的開發(fā)者生態(tài)系統(tǒng)狀況報告」指出開發(fā)者參與度有所提高,「超過 2,500 名活躍開發(fā)者致力於開源儲存庫」。

此外,該報告還強調(diào)了開發(fā)人員保留率的驚人提高,「從上一年的 31% 上升到 50% 以上」。

該研究包括有關(guān)Solana 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施開發(fā)的更多信息,該基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施在2023 年實現(xiàn)了顯著的成熟度,實現(xiàn)了“Rust、Python 等程序框架”,此外還有“可用於10 個項目的軟體開發(fā)套件(SDK)」。語言,為多樣化的去中心化應(yīng)用程式開發(fā)奠定了堅實的基礎(chǔ)?!?

Solana Labs 開發(fā)的獨特 GameShift API 改變了遊戲規(guī)則。

它是一款“特定於應(yīng)用程式的工具”,旨在改變 Solana 區(qū)塊鏈上的遊戲市場。

這個網(wǎng)絡(luò)的成長故事得到了 Messari 提供的鏈上數(shù)據(jù)的支持。

數(shù)據(jù)顯示,「平均每日付費人數(shù)較上季成長 102%,達到 19 萬人」。

此外,數(shù)據(jù)也顯示「日均無投票權(quán)交易量較上季成長 65%,達到 4,070 萬筆」。


首先,Solana 打算提供「代幣擴展,以實現(xiàn)更複雜和多方面的代幣經(jīng)濟」。

2024 年的第二件事是引入 Firedancer,它是由 Jump Crypto 設(shè)計的 Solana 區(qū)塊鏈的新獨立驗證器用戶端。

目標是克服 Solana 點對點介面之前的缺陷,以及處理更多數(shù)量的並發(fā)事務(wù),提高網(wǎng)路效能、彈性和效率,並同時完成所有這些事情。

具體來說,F(xiàn)iredancer 於 2023 年 10 月在測試網(wǎng)上發(fā)布。

Runtime v2 將由 Solana Labs 開發(fā),其目標是“顯著增強網(wǎng)路的效能和開發(fā)人員體驗”,這將是 2024 年計劃的第三個優(yōu)先事項。

It is a concurrent transaction processor that handles transactions that have stated data dependencies and explicit dynamic memory allocation. This runtime is responsible for managing transactions. Alterations are introduced that are coordinated by epochs, which in turn affects the behavior of the cluster. In addition, Solana Core has just announced that Runtime version 2 will include support for the Move programming language, which is a significant change.

Further reading: Solana Is Positioned to Experience a Major Upside: Following the price breakout, the analyst forecasts a 47% increase.

Messages sent out by the Solana Foundation via X reflect the organization's dedication to both innovation and community engagement: The fervent community that we have here in Solana is what makes the ecology that we have here so powerful. We are prepared to speed into the year 2024 and firmly establish Solana as the leading platform for blockchain development thanks to the constant support of the community. A quickening of pace is required. Let's keep progressing and make 2024 the year that Solana is celebrated.

A Technical Analysis of the Solana Price Prediction for the Year 2024

Predictions for the year 2024 may be derived from a technical study of the price activity taking place on the weekly chart of the Solana/USD pair. Since the middle of November, the price movement of SOL has been contained inside a parallel uptrend channel, which is suggestive of a steady and persistent rising trajectory. The trajectory of the price movement has been directed by the parallel lines that indicate support and resistance. These lines have provided obvious levels for prospective buy and sell positions.

When used from the swing high of about $262 to the swing low of $7.93, the Fibonacci retracement tool reveals critical levels that have the potential to function as barriers or support in the future.

The level of 0.236, which is now at $69.59, is a retracement level that was previously acting as resistance but has now become support.

The next major price objective for a weekly finish is 0.382 at $107.74, which has been challenged and is the level that has been tested.

展望 2024 年:Solana 的計畫與重要價格點

0.5 at $138.57: This price level served as a solid support from the beginning of 2021 until the beginning of 2022, but it moved into the position of resistance in April of 2022.

0.618 at a price of $169.41: This level, which is sometimes referred to as the "golden ratio," is essential for determining whether or not a trend will continue.

0.786 at $213.30: If this level is broken, it may indicate that bullish momentum is increasing significantly.

1 at $269.22: The price discovery phase starts as soon as SOL achieves its all-time high on the stock market.

Extended Fibonacci levels, such as 1.618 at $430.69 and 2.618 at $691.98, provide aspirational objectives in the event that the uptrend continues during the forecast period. In this case, the price goal would be considered very positive.

The fact that the Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) for the 20, 50, 100, and 200 periods are all located below the current price has provided more evidence that the uptrend is going strong. Midway through the month of December, a 'golden cross' occurs when the 50-EMA crosses over the 100-EMA. This is a signal that is often considered to be bullish.

Constructive patterns can be found in the trading volume, with more volume being seen on upswings. This is a good indicator that interest in SOL will continue to be maintained. Despite the fact that the momentum is moving in an upward direction, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is now located around 60, which indicates that there is still opportunity for expansion before reaching overbought conditions being reached.

Taking into consideration the fact that the weekly chart exhibits a parallel upward channel, powerful Fibonacci levels, supportive moving averages, and healthy volume and RSI readings, the technical analysis offers a very hopeful picture of the price outlook for Solana in the year 2024.


