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"BTC and ETH in Morning Market Analysis"

Analyze the market trend for you every morning

$BTC has been fluctuating in a small range since it surged above 71000 in the early morning yesterday, and it is still fluctuating around 70000. The small level has entered the oscillation range. After $BTC stopped falling in 4 hours, it entered the bullish attack stage, which means that the bulls began to exert their strength, indicating that the support below is very strong, and the probability of rising next is greater than falling.

$ETH also entered the oscillation trend before the bullish attack as the big cake stopped falling. From the market point of view, Ethereum is also about to exert its strength, and the second bottoming out in 4 hours has emerged, and there is a bullish sentiment with large volume. This means that Ethereum will start a new round of rising market next

Currently, the strong pressure of big cake is at 72000 and the support is at 69000; the pressure of Ethereum is at 3700 and the support is at 3400


