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Professor's Misery Comparison Meeting

  • 2024-04-11 11:16:41
  • 79

Yesterday, the professor attended a "misery comparison meeting" among friends. I don't know if the professor told you that because the professor has been engaged in the financial industry, he did not cherish BTC when it was $40. After all, the professor felt that BTC was a Ponzi scheme that could not be supported by anything. However, now BTC is 72,000 US dollars, the professor rushed in to play, which was really a big slap in the face.

As a result, friend A said: "I bought thousands of them on Taobao in 2009, and now I can't find my wallet. Are you more miserable than me?" (A billionaire, okay? Don't mess with me) Hearing this, the professor felt balanced in his heart.

Friend B replied: "When it was $20 in 2011, I thought it rose too much, so I didn't play." (He actually didn't play because he thought it rose too much, and he couldn't mess with me)

But the professor didn't play because he thought it was a Ponzi scheme. After seeing what these two big guys said, the professor instantly felt that it was not miserable after comparing whether it was miserable or not.

