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Leeks and the Crypto Market

The reason why leeks are leeks is that they are always half a beat slower than the market! They chase when it goes up and sell when it goes down. If others say it is good, it is good. If others say it is rubbish, you also say it is rubbish. They are always led by the market's non-nutritious information. But on the other hand, it is precisely because there are so many such people that there are so many opportunities in this market. When everyone is enlightened, the dealer will not give opportunities. Fortunately, only a few people are enlightened! Brother Monkey has been cheering for Ethereum in the second half of the bull market. How many people really have firm trust? Just like I cheered for Bitcoin in the first half of the bull market, there were very few people who followed me to take Bitcoin as their main position, and their rhythm was disrupted by market information. I never disrupt my rhythm because of other people's information. I firmly believe in the logic and information I have sorted out. The unity of knowledge and action is the kingly way. To believe in yourself is the foundation of the crypto market!


