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Wealth Reshuffle: Obvious Directions

  • 2024-04-08 14:58:28
  • 91

There are several obvious directions in this round of wealth reshuffle.

1. Wealth is transferred from homeowners to homeless people. Homeless people will save a lot of money in the future when buying a house, and buy a better quality house, enjoy more discounts, and lower interest rates. Saving money is equivalent to making money.

2. Transfer from old money to new money. In the past, old money was deposited in traditional tracks such as real estate and liquor, while new money rose in live broadcasting, traffic economy and other fields.

3. The biggest beneficiaries of the post-60s/70s wave began to shrink their wealth, while the post-80s/90s ushered in the best opportunities.

4. The wealth of the real estate market gradually shifted to the stock market, and the currency reservoir will completely change its position. $BTC #大盤走勢 #新幣挖礦 #WIF #sui #SHIB

