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比特幣減半事件即將到來,這在歷史上引發了加密市場的重大轉變。隨著 2024 年多頭勢頭增強,投資者渴望確定哪些加密貨幣可以提供最有希望的回報。本文深入介紹了可以從即將到來的減半中受益的主要山寨幣,並讓投資者能夠利用這個關鍵的市場時期。

BlastUP 迅速走紅,幾週內籌集了 400 萬美元

BlastUP 是 Blast 上的首要啟動平臺,最近以其令人驚嘆的首次亮相在加密世界掀起了波瀾,


400 萬美元

。許多聰明的投資者都在 BlastUP 代幣價值暴漲之前爭相購買。

BlastUP 代幣的持有者可以受益於許多




、參與 IDO 的獨家




BlastUP 在加密世界中脫穎而出。它由 TVL 第六大區塊鏈 Blast 提供支持,

為 DApp 企業提供

真正的實用工具。 BlastUP 秉持著「



,致力於推動區塊鏈新創公司的成功。那些加入 BlastUP 的人現在成為了一個項目的一部分,該項目有望成為



>> 在 BlastUP 代幣暴漲之前購買它們 <<

Polygon (MATIC) 引領不斷變化的加密貨幣領域

Polygon(MATIC)在過去一周和一個月裡出現了下跌,價格分別下跌了 11.10% 和 21.66%。儘管如此,過去六個月還是成長了 59.04%。截至撰寫本文時,MATIC 的交易價格在 0.96 美元至 1.07 美元之間。價格走勢似乎不確定,沒有呈現強烈的脈衝或修正趨勢,徘徊在相對強弱指數的中間位置。

展望 MATIC,跡象顯示雙向。由於 0.91 美元的支撐位可能會緩衝進一步的下跌,而第二個更強的下限為 0.80 美元,因此,如果更廣泛的市場狀況有利於加密貨幣,那麼還有樂觀的空間。然而,1.14 美元和 1.25 美元的阻力位目前可能會限制漲勢。平衡的觀點表明,MATIC 可能會看到逐步成長,但有可能出現回調,這反映了更廣泛的加密市場的不確定性。


Optimism’s recent price activity suggests a corrective trend following significant gains over the past six months. At present, the price fluctuates between $3.49 and $3.96. In the last week, the coin took a 15.89% hit and dropped 21.04% over the past month. However, its six-month performance shows a robust increase of 136.51%. The current price swings below key resistance and support levels, sitting closer to the nearest support at $3.30.

Looking ahead, Optimism’s future price might seesaw between gains and pullbacks as the market digests its recent ascent. The coin’s proximity to its support level may signal potential rebounds, while resistance at $4.24 and $4.71 poses challenges for upward movement. The balance between buying and selling pressure, reflected in the RSI, Stochastic, and MACD indicators, will play a pivotal role in guiding OP’s direction in the short to medium term.

NEAR Protocol Current Performance and Outlook

NEAR Protocol has shown a mix of ups and downs recently, with a price now between $6.73 and $7.98. In the past week, it dipped by almost 8%, but the picture looks brighter back a month, showing a rise of over 50%. Since six months ago, NEAR has made a big jump, increasing by more than 500%. The movement of NEAR’s price appears to be a mix, sometimes moving fast and other times making smaller changes.

The near resistance at $8.67 might be a tough spot, but if NEAR gets enough push, it could try for the higher resistance at $9.91. On the other side, if it falls, it could find a stop at $6.18, or even lower at $4.93 if things get really rough. The mix of optimistic and careful views suggests that NEAR’s price might see both hills and valleys ahead.

Avalanche Current Trend and Price Prediction

Avalanche (AVAX) has seen a big swing in price over the last six months, jumping 341.12%. Last month, the price climbed 9.08%, but last week, it dropped 13.05%. At the time of writing, AVAX is trading between $51.34 and $58.12. The price seems to be in a corrective phase, as the recent peak is now seeing a pullback. The RSI value is neutral, so the price is unlikely to move sharply in one direction soon.

Looking ahead, there is room for growth if AVAX breaks past the near resistance at $62.13, and even more if it can get over the higher resistance at $68.91. But if buyers don’t step in, the price could fall to the nearest support at $48.57, or even the lower support at $41.79. A high Stochastic value at 84.48 means there’s a chance the price could take a breather. AVAX’s movement hasn’t been just up or down lately, and it could keep going this way in the short term.


Choosing the right cryptocurrencies can be crucial for profit in the crypto market. MATIC, OP, NEAR, and AVAX might offer gains, but likely not in the short term. Focusing on BlastUP is recommended, as it shows the most promise given its innovative approach and its place within the Blast ecosystem. This project’s concept is solid and offers a good opportunity for growth.








