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"From Salesman to Millionaire: The Extraordinary J

  • the TO
  • 2024-03-28 10:50:10
  • 101

More than a year ago, David was just an ordinary salesman in Hangzhou, with a monthly salary of seven to eight thousand. For a young man who had just entered the society, his income was not bad, but he had to build a career and buy a luxury car. But it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. David has been keeping an eye on the opportunities in blockchain.

The opportunity came at a blockchain conference in the second half of 2016. Ethereum founder V God also participated. From then on, David believed in V God, a young genius who was two years younger than him, and mortgaged the wedding house left by his parents to him. , Stud Ethereum, bought 10,000 Ethereum coins at a price of seventy or eighty yuan. The miracle begins.

Ethereum was like a rocket. It climbed from a few dozen yuan to 3,000 yuan. After that, it went through a long period of adjustment and shock. Finally, with the help of the bull market at the end of last year, Ethereum finally broke through 10,000 yuan. David, who owned 10,000 ether coins, sold most of them for about 5,000 yuan each and cashed in to purchase multiple properties and luxury cars.

David currently has very little Ethereum left because he sharply discovered EOS, the blockchain 3.0 that replaced Ethereum. In addition to his house and car, he invested most of his profits in purchasing EOS. Currently, he has at least six digit of EOS, he is currently also a member of the EOS121DAC node.

Some people would say that David got lucky. It is true that blockchain is a big trend, but there are many regrets in the currency circle for missing out a hundred times a thousand times. I think David's success depends on his own strengths: First of all, David has superhuman vision and courage, and was able to discover Ethereum in the early stages of the bull market and sell his house and mortgage to seize this super bull. Second, David has extraordinary patience. He can hold a currency that fluctuates hundreds of times but his mentality remains unchanged. Third, David was able to assess the situation and discover the ups and downs of the currency market. He sold most of Ethereum at a high of 5,000 and bought a large amount of the rising EOS at a low price.

David asked in the community a few days ago: If you make hundreds of millions, how will you spend it? To be honest, this goal is not that far away for him. Later, he answered himself: It is safer to buy a house, half of it is a house and half of it is digital assets. He likes the feeling of asset accumulation in real estate, which reflects David's steady side, because it is a guarantee of safety. Most of the digital assets purchased EOS, which reflects his aggressive side, because this is the hope of future wealth.So he won the present and is likely to win the future.

In addition to living in a luxury house and driving a luxury car, David still lives a simple life as before. He buys his own groceries and cooks his own food. A day in the currency circle is a year in the world. David has experienced more than a year of ups and downs in the market. , he has a calmness and confidence that most young people of his age do not have. What's more, the growth of wealth has completely changed society's evaluation of this young man. An ordinary young man who was once ignored by no one, now has aunts he doesn't know who want to introduce his daughter to him from time to time.

Author: Miss Chain Circle

Link: https://www.jianshu.com/p/7052b59b0e75

Source: Jianshu

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