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"Three Waves of Bulls: Early Morning to Evening"

Counting three waves of bulls in the early morning, the bulls laid out in the afternoon directly hit the target level after the US market surged higher. After falling back, they took the bulls again at the low level, and rebounded smoothly again.

In recent days, our thinking has been very simple, that is, we will continue to be bullish until the end. Even if the U.S. market rises and falls, and the market goes through a roller coaster, the upward trend line constructed by the hourly line has not fallen below, and we still have reason to be bullish! In the evening, the market needs to pay attention to whether 71200 can break through and stabilize for the second time. Tonight, the resistance above is quite strong. In the past two days, it has been unable to continue despite breaking high. Instead, it must fall back after rising high, and the resistance level is also delayed. Unable to stabilize; as for my wife, if the rebound falls sharply, I will still pay attention to whether 3550 can be held in the evening!


