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比特幣減半事件後的表現引發了猜測。分析師預計 BTC 價格可能會上漲 200%。憑藉這種看漲的前景,某些山寨幣也有望取得重大進展?,F在的焦點轉移到這些替代加密貨幣上,預計它們將引領加密市場的下一波價格上漲。了解哪些山寨幣正在準備吸引投資者的興趣,並可能反映比特幣的前景軌跡。

BlastUP 預售:不穩定的加密貨幣空間中的可預測性燈塔








BlastUP 是 Blast 上的第一個啟動板,Blast 是唯一具有 ETH 和穩定幣原生收益的第 2 層解決方案。在預售的短短幾個月內,該平臺已籌集了超過

250 萬美元


BlastUP 代幣預售





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BlastUP 致力於透過 Blast 生態系統打造一個強大的社區,讓每個人都能從共同成長中受益。 BlastUP


AI 和 Web3 工具結合起來,旨在為

DApp 的順利發布



BlastUP 正在崛起,以


和創新為核心,為加密貨幣新創公司提供了動力。它正迅速成為 Blast 生態系統的首選中心,並製定了到 2026 年的宏偉計劃。BlastUP 即將撼動加密貨幣領域,所以在這艘火箭飛船在沒有您的情況下起飛之前趕快加入吧!

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Polygon 的價格動態:穩定且具有成長潛力

Polygon’s current price sits at $0.99, under the 10-day average of $1.07 yet above the 100-day average of $0.92. This shows some recent decline might be steadying, as the price is holding above longer-term average levels. If Polygon can rise above $1.13, the nearest resistance, and push towards the second resistance at $1.27, it could signal growing strength and potential for further gains. The six-month increase of 89.44% is promising, suggesting a strong upward trend over a longer period, which could reassure investors of its growth potential amidst fluctuations.

On the downside, if Polygon falls below its current price, it might meet support around $0.82. However, if this level fails to hold, the next significant floor is at $0.63, which could mean a substantial drop in value. Despite the one-month price dip of 3.52%, the high from its best point remains distant. This could make investors cautious, as reaching such peaks again could be challenging.

Jupiter’s Price Surge: Risks Amidst Growth

Jupiter has seen a swift climb with a one-month price surge of 135.83%. Its meteoric six-month rise at 3873.00% is nothing short of impressive. This growth shows strong interest and optimistic sentiment in the market. If this trend continues, the price could well break past its second resistance level at $0.81. Investors who are hopeful believe this momentum could carry the price even further in the near term as more traders join the bullish wave.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the speed of Jupiter’s ascent brings potential risks. Rapid gains often lead to sharp corrections. With the nearest support level at $0.42, and the second at $0.30, a pullback could trigger a drop to these areas. Over time, prices tend to return to a mean, indicated by the Simple Moving Average 10-days at $1.21, which could imply a short-term slowdown. Investors should be aware of these areas for support and the possibility of a price retraction after such significant climbs.

Pyth Network’s Surge Signals Bullish Outlook

Pyth Network’s recent growth presents a bullish scenario as the price surged 56.19% over the last month and an impressive 136.74% over six months, indicating strong momentum. Considering the historical spike to $1.16456430, the current price of $0.90 shows potential for growth, eyeing the nearest resistance at $0.92. If this level is broken, it could swiftly move towards the second resistance at $1.18, especially if the 10-day average at $0.96 continues to rise, signaling ongoing buyer interest. Investors should watch these levels as breakthroughs could lead to new highs.

然而,投資者也必須為價格調整的可能性做好準備。目前價格緊密徘徊在 10 天簡單移動平均線下方,暗示近期存在潛在壓力。如果趨勢逆轉,Pyth 可能會回落至最近的支撐位 0.38 美元。跌破該水平可能會導致進一步跌向第二個支撐位 0.12 美元,這將表明其當前軌跡將出現大幅回撤。


總之,雖然 Polygon、Jupiter 和 Pyth Network 等其他山寨幣透過最近的價格走勢和成長前景展示了不同程度的潛力,但 BlastUP 脫穎而出,成為潛力最大的項目。它以 Blast 生態系統為基礎,結合將 AI 和 Web3 工具結合在一起的創新概念,使其有利於未來的成功。作為支持該平臺發展的生態系統的一部分,進一步鞏固了其承諾。由於其預售階段吸引了大量關注和投資,BlastUP 是一個精明的投資者在下一次重大飛躍之前應該敏銳考慮的項目。

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文章《頂級山寨幣將引領即將到來的價格上漲》首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


