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February 26 Market Analysis: Big Pie Auntie Trend

Market analysis on February 261. Analysis of the trend of Big Pie Auntie1. Analysis of the daily trend of the pieLet’s look at the daily trend of the market: After two days of market rebound over the weekend, the market rose again. The market once again stood at the 52,000 position yesterday evening, but failed to stand firm. The market began to correct during the day, and now After consolidating at the 51500 position, the market ahead has gone through 3 waves of rise and 4 waves of correction. The market trend has reached the 5-wave trend again. At the height above the 5-wave, we will look at the 54100-54400 position to see if we can make another wave. The trend during the day today is still mainly low and long, with 51000-50800 at the bottom and 52000-52300 at the top. Perform high sell and buy low operations2. Auntie’s daily trend analysisJudging from the daily trend, the market experienced multiple consolidations at the 3000 level and then hit the 3100 level last night, and then started to stagnate at the 3144 level. A round of downward correction started during the day today, and now it is consolidating at 3100. The 3064 position below is the first position for our 5-wave rise, and the position where the market will continue to rise in the next stage is 3226. Judging from the daytime trend, the 3144 position above today is not the high point of this market's rise. At the same time, if the market falls back to the 3064 position, we should continue to pursue the long position and enter the market, waiting for the market to continue to break upward. The upper pressure is at 3140, and the lower support is at the 3100 and 3064 areas.2. News situationYou can pay attention to the unlocking of some small coins this week, see if you have these small coins in your hand, and make some adjustments based on the date. February 26 Market Analysis: Big Pie Auntie Trend



